Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Frog Princess

The Frog Princess
Retold By:  Elizabeth Isele.
Illustrated by:  Michael Hague
Thomas Y. Crowell Junior Books
Copyright 1984
Traditional Genre Books

                                                                  The Frog Princess

     I have never read or heard the story of The Frog Princess, before recently. The only understanding I have, of a story similar to this Russian folk tale, is from watching Disney's The Princess and the Frog. I really enjoyed this story because it told of an "underdog" that rose to be a champion. I also like stories that tell of princes and princesses. I would love to share this story with my students.
     This story is similar to the Disney movie. A major difference begins with the fact that in the movie, the frog is male and the princess falls in love with him. The princess goes through great lengths to turn him into a human.      It begins with three princes that need to be married. In order to find their wife, they need to shoot an arrow and find who was the first to retrieve it. Two of the princes found their wives to be beautiful, however they were not as talented in making clothes and cakes for the king. The third prince found his wife to be a frog. She was the best baker and clothes maker of all the three wives. Sometimes she would take human form and be her beautiful self. The frog princess was only supposed to be a frog for three years, but when her husband thew away her frog skin, it was going to be forever. The prince had to go through great lengths to get her back into human form and live with her forever. It ends with them living happily ever after.

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