Monday, March 12, 2012

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
By:  Sherman Alexie
Art by:  Ellen Forney
Little, Brown and Company
Copyright 2007

                                       The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

     There are not many books that I have read in my lifetime that I have laughed out loud while reading. This book is one of the few exceptions. I absolutely have fallen in love with this book, because of the language the author chose to write it with. Arnold, the main character, tells his experiences of living on an Indian reservation as a high school freshman. With bravery and commitment Arnold decides he wants to go to school at the "white" school outside of the reservation. No Indian has ever broke free from the "rez" and I think this is why I find Arnold to be such an inspirational and loveable character.
     The way Arnold tells his stories is very blunt and straightforward. I love this about the book. I can just imagine being next to Arnold as he is experiencing everything he talks about. He really lets you inside his head to experience what he is thinking. Not only did I like the language, but I also loved the graphics. I think that they added to the humor of the story and made the text less intimidating.
     I would recommend this book to anyone in a heartbeat. For me, it was a fast read. I was so drawn in that it was hard to put down. I think this book has such a great moral to it. I know that this book can inspire so many people to just believe in themselves, to have courage to go after what you want, and to stay strong during the most difficult times of your life. If a boy with mental disabilities and racial limitations can find hope, so can many other people.

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